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Looking back on Loyalzoo

Looking back on Loyalzoo… 8 years ago, two friends decided to change the way of customer loyalty for small independent businesses. The world became more digital than ever, big retailers inventing their own loyalty apps for customers while small merchants


Recession-proof your small business

Now is the time to protect your business from the threat of recession. To get through tough times you need to plan ahead and make sure you have all the essential tools for running your business. But it doesn't have


Loyalty program misconceptions

There are so many different types of loyalty platforms on the market that it can become confusing as a business owner when implementing the right program. Everyone is so conditioned to seeing what works for big retailers as well, that

Did Starbucks get it wrong? How to launch a succes...

Starbucks has been getting a lot of attention in regards to their newly rolled out loyalty program. Mainly because of the sudden changes that caused an uproar in the Starbucks loving community.  The controversy around their “improvements” is teaching business owners that

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